You Decide What’s Right for You

Written by Mark Evans, Executive Coach

Do you enjoy what you are doing? Are you maximising your potential? …. and, if not, what are you doing about it?

All of us, at some stage, have found ourselves questioning our careers. But not many people do anything about it. Whether its fear, apathy or - as now - a horrible market, it's all too easy to just close your eyes and hope for the best. But beware, inactivity is dangerous because - quite aside from your personal fulfilment - if it's not working for you, it's probably not working for your employer either.

So maybe its time to get ahead of the problem. Think of all your friends who have had change forced upon them. What is the most common refrain? 'It was the best thing that ever happened to me' or 'I wish it had happened years before!'. Imagine the benefits of making change happen rather than change just happening to you.

What do successful people do? They know themselves: their values, strengths and weaknesses and target roles that meet their criteria - where, of course, they do well because the job is right for them. Often they achieve this self-knowledge through coaching.

Coaching creates an environment that allows you to step back and reflect deeply on what motivates you, and to create a plan for your future success. And by success I don't mean money, I mean life satisfaction where you feel engaged, happy, fulfilled and in control.

It is a disciplined process that is proven to achieve results and is becoming an established and respected component of career development. It represents real value for money because successful coaching makes individuals more self-aware, better managers and more productive.

Find the right coach and it is fun, challenging, empowering. Commit to coaching and it can give you real control over your future - invaluable in these uncertain times.

Mark Evans helps senior people control their agenda, nurture their careers and excel at work. On his journey from senior private banking roles in the UK and Asia, to executive coaching, Mark has experienced first-hand the pressures leaders face. He now focuses on helping others develop the winning strategies they need to thrive in the modern business environment. Find out more about Mark's work at


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